Divorce Lawyer Michigan

Divorce Lawyer Michigan

  • 1 Divorce

    Over 50% of marriages fail. The divorce process can be complicated and convoluted. Divorces do not need to be vindictive and vengeful. Different divorce attorneys have different approaches. Colman Law Center believes in and practices amicable divorces.

  • 2 Custody

    What’s more important than your children? Nothing! Don’t lose out on your parental rights! Call Colman Law Center now to find out your custodial rights. CALL for your free 30 minute consultation – 586.254.1100

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  • 3 Parenting Time

    The time you spend with your children is precious and invaluable. When a marriage breaks down, many times communication breaks down as well. When your spouse refuses to cooperate in rearguards to your parenting time, know that you have rights to see your child. Call Colman Law Center to learn about your parenting rights. For a free 30 minute consultation CALL – 586.254.1100.

  • 4 Support

    Raising children costs money. Both parents are responsible financially. Call Colman Law Center to find out what support you are entitled to receive for your children. For a free 30 minute consultation CALL – 586.254.1100.

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Divorce Lawyer Michigan