Custody Attorney Michigan
What is the likely outcome of court proceedings for contempt of court for willful nonpayment of child support?
QUESTION:My ex husband willingly stopped making child support payments in November 2016, but had been working the entire time. It is now March 2017, and we recently went to a show cause, but not in front of a judge. He is over $5,000 in arrears, openly admitted to working and just “not feeling” like paying. […]
At what age can my daughter choose whether or not she wants to have visits with me?
QUESTION: My daughter’s father has full physical custody, I only have parenting time. His girlfriend is trying to tell my daughter that she can decide at a certain age wether or not she wants to have visits with me. I’m confused about this. Also is his girlfriend aloud to adopt her if I still have […]
Do I have the right to keep my stuff in a home that I’ve resided in for 14years?
QUESTION: I have lived with my mom for 14 years she asked me to move out. My aunt n uncle are taking of her financials and are telling me i have to move the rest of my stuff out of the home or it will be thrown out in the next 3 days. I had […]
Is there anything I can do about my ex miss treating my son since I just won custody?
QUESTION: I just got custody of my son who’s 14 this week. Since then my ex has told my son, in front of his councilor, that he is not allowed to have anything of his things from her house because they only reason he has any of it is because she bought it for him […]
2 Custody
What’s more important than your children? Nothing! Don’t lose out on your parental rights! Call Colman Law Center now to find out your custodial rights. CALL for your free 30 minute consultation – 586.254.1100
3 Parenting Time
The time you spend with your children is precious and invaluable. When a marriage breaks down, many times communication breaks down as well. When your spouse refuses to cooperate in rearguards to your parenting time, know that you have rights to see your child. Call Colman Law Center to learn about your parenting rights. For a free 30 minute consultation CALL – 586.254.1100.
4 Support
Raising children costs money. Both parents are responsible financially. Call Colman Law Center to find out what support you are entitled to receive for your children. For a free 30 minute consultation CALL – 586.254.1100.